Consumer Affairs

Rights of Customers of Service Providers

The Regulated Industries Commission, in the performance of
its functions, is legally bound to ensure that certain rights of the
customer are protected. Customers are therefore assured of the following

Your Rights

  • The Right to services that are reliable and provided at the lowest
    possible cost.

  • The Right to products and services that are safe and will not cause
    personal harm or damage to property.

  • The Right to information about the product and/or service being
    obtained from Service Providers.

  • The Right to equal access to services.

  • The Right to Fair Treatment.

  • The Right to non-discrimination in relation to access, pricing and
    quality of service.

  • The Right to obtain redress from Service Providers in respect of
    rates, billing and unsatisfactory service.

  • The Regulated Industries Commission is mandated to ensure that
    Service Providers initiate Public Education Programs, which inform
    Consumers of their responsibilities regarding the products and services

Your Responsibilities

  • To ensure that you understand the terms under which the service is
    being provided.

  • That you utilize the services under the guidelines given by the
    respective service provider, to ensure your safety and that of those
    around you.

  • To ensure that the service is paid for when payments are due.

  • To keep records of bills and transaction pertaining to the Service

  • To report what you consider to be an unsafe product or unfair

  • To stay informed about any developments concerning the services
    which you utilize.